photograph by Joseph Maddon
photograph by Joseph Maddon

What's this all about? Who am I? Why am I?

I ask myself these questions every day. For the context of this site though, I am Shela Yu, a Chinese American multi-disciplinary artist born and raised in Mesa, AZ. For those who are wondering, I'm a Cancer sun, Leo rising, Libra moon, ENFP, life path 1, and a 5/1 Manifestor. IYKYK.

I grew up in a house full of classical music (from my mom), rock n' roll (from my brother), and stern martial arts (from my dad). It was interesting to say the least. My mother, was especially encouraging of my natural desires to create. I was put in dance classes, music classes, and art classes from practically the moment I could walk. 

Jump forward with me through time and teenaged troubles bubble to the surface that feed into a quarrelsome 20s. Seeking for peace, I dropped out of art school and I ended up studying yoga and became massage therapist when I was 22. I continued to make music and art through my 20s, but it was never a dedicated practice. 

It wasn't until I turned 30 that the creative whispers started to turn into screams. Something magical happens when you walk away from the expectations of others and start to pay attention to that inner calling. 

2020 was the year that the world crumbled, but in many ways it was a chance to ask myself the bigger question. 'What do I want out of my life?' 

So I closed down my bodywork business and started to focus on my creative endeavors. Having people in my community interested in my new mural venture and then design work gave me the confidence and courage to keep on going. 

This site marks a pivotal moment when it feels like it has all come together. A year of a lot of trial and error has finally led to the creation of this website. So thank you for being here, and I hope you enjoy the journey just as much as I have.